I’m Melanie King and have been an Interior Designer since, well, forever. I love style, fashion, interiors, travel and cultures and I hope to share this with you. Please follow us and always feel free to ask questions or leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from you…
About grey and white
The number one question my clients ask is if everyone is still using grey and white as their main color scheme. My answer is “yes, but the current trend is to enhance the monochromatic style with vibrant colors.” The wonderful thing about a grey and white foundation is that it supports layers of colors, contrast, artwork, and textures. If your house currently has a grey and white palette, here are some things I recommend to freshen up your spaces.
add bold colors
Mary McDonald is the queen of using intense hues of color against a more neutral background. In the following example, notice that by adding fuchsia to the sofas, chairs, and accessories, the room and grey walls instantly come to life. While you may not be ready for hot pink sofas in your home, we can bring color to your rooms through pillows, small furniture pieces, and accessories.
For more examples, please check out her Instagram account @marymcdonaldinc
add contrast to the grey and white palette
What’s more contrasting to white than black? Balancing a space with wallpaper and window treatments that have a lot of black or deep navy provide interest against a white backdrop. In the bathroom below by Ken Fulk, he uses a bold black and white plaid that is instantly bright. The large scale pattern also brings the feeling of volume to a smaller space.
Ken’s Instagram account is @kenfulk. His work is world famous and well appreciated.
add artwork to provide color and areas of interest
Everyone’s home should reflect their personality and artwork provides not only color but shares stories and interests that reflect you and your family.
Joy Street Design adds color and multiple focal pieces to a white room through artwork, seating, and flowers. Try it! Joy’s Instagram account showcases great pops of color @joystreetdesign
add texture to provide depth and interest
Introducing wallcovering, throw pillows, and textured furniture to a grey and white room focuses the interest of the viewer to the unique aspects of a room. Laura Umansky creates rich and textural interiors in this room through her use of bold colors, interesting wallcovering and oversized warm tone pillows against a deep blue sofa.
Laura’s Instagram feed is full of amazing rooms. I encourage you to take a look at @laurauinteriordesign
Using color, contrast, artwork, and texture in your home are effective ways to freshen up your spaces. These techniques are things every homeowner can implement, but if you would like a professional to help you through this, we are here to help. We can be reached at www.melaniekingdesigns.com or DM us @melaniekingdesigns